I am a graduate student at Stanford University, and I am co-advised by Allison Okamura and Karen Liu. I completed my undergraduate degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I worked on projects in robotics and solar-powered electric vehicles. My current interests span the areas of motion planning and controls, mobile systems, and soft robotics. Feel free to check out my past projects below, and my CV/publications can be accessed from the navigation bar.

Agile Soft Robot Arms
In-Hand Manipulation

Real-time Dynamics Simulator

Autonomous Snake
Trajectory Optimization

Optimal Control

Mechatronics: Smart Product Design
Hybrid Aerial/Ground Vehicle

Product Engineering

Robotics: Science and Systems

Precision Machine Design

Design and Manufacturing II

Gripper for Mobile Robots

Autonomous Boat

Soft Robotics

MIT Solar Electric Vehicle Team

SEVT Mechanical Systems

SEVT Composites Layups